Goal Setting for Interior Designers
We could write a novel about 2020. It was been a profound year of highs, lows, and everything in between. It was a year that reminded us of the simple luxuries in life, like connection with friends and family and the beauty of nature, and a warm coffee from your local barista. It was a year of great change, and we hope that the change we all experienced, leads to a brighter future, where we consume less, laugh more, less busy-ness, and more presence.
More than ever before taking time to reflect on the tumultuous year and allowing yourself time and space to write down the big wins, the little wins, and the lessons learned will allow you to let go of the year 2020, and move into 2021 with a fresh perspective, new goals, hopes, and dreams.
Reflect on your year
Reflection reminds us of how far we’ve come, what obstacles we have overcome, and the little and big wins we had along the way. Think about how the year started for you, and how is it different now? What were some of your highlights? What hardships did you overcome? What were you grateful for this year?
2. Core Values
Your core values are the driving force behind what you do and why you do it. When you know what you value, it will motivate you to set goals and follow through with them, and it will help you create goals that align with what you truly want. When you make decisions in alignment with what is truly important above all else, that’s when you create great change and design a life that’s authentic and true to you. Have a think about what values are important to you, things like, joy, connection, achievement, freedom, wealth, and creativity.
3. Limiting Beliefs
Our mind is our greatest asset, it can do unimaginable things with limitless potential. When we set up our minds for success and allow the pathway of our goals to be cleared of roadblocks (limiting beliefs) and negative self-talk, we can begin to build the foundations of a very successful business and achieve our goals. The only thing stopping you is you.
4. What does Success Look Like to You
The definition of success means a lot of things to different people, it’s often determined by how it makes you feel, a state of mind, and how it adds value to your life. For most of us, success means doing something that makes you happy and brings you joy, creating financial freedom and independence, achieving goals by opening yourself up to new challenges that enable you to grow and develop mentally, spiritually, and professionally. Define what success looks like to you.
5. Visualise your Goals with a Vision Board
Us designers are visual, so why not have some fun with creating a vision board of your goals for the year ahead. You may be thinking, vision board, really? But trust us on this, you will be surprised how incredible it will be for you when you take the time to get clear on what you truly want. It doesn’t have to be material things it can be thoughts, feelings, and experiences. Vision boards are one of the most empowering tools to creating a life you love. When you can see all of your hopes and dreams in a snapshot, it’s an instant feel-good reminder to stay focused throughout the year.
If you want to take 2021 to the next level, we’ve created some incredible resources to set you up.
If you are new to vision boarding or want some inspiration to help you create yours, check out our Vision Board Kit. It’s loaded with tools and resources to help you create your very own, with layout templates, cut-out affirmations, and goal headings. Get your corkboard ready, and have a fun crafty day, dreaming up your vision board.
We have been avid-goal setters for as long as we can remember, and we wouldn’t be where we are today without goals. They are our roadmap to our hopes and dreams and keep us focused and on track. We created an empowering Goal Planner for Interior Designers where we teach you how to create meaningful goals, and dive deep into what you truly want for the year ahead personally and professionally. This format of goal setting has allowed us to achieve so many of our dreams, and we know it can for you too. You can check out our very own Goal Planner here.
Wishing you an abundant and magnetic 2021,
Jess & Judy